Press pause & enjoy a little read!
Finding joy in the everyday this winter
winter has a unique way of inviting us to slow down, to find comfort in stillness, and to uncover joy in the little moments. As the days grow shorter and the nights longer, it's the perfect season to turn inward and reconnect with the simple pleasures that often get lost in the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives.
7 practical tips on how to incorporate mindfulness into your life
Have you ever wondered what exactly mindfulness means? Or perhaps it’s a term you’ve stared clear of, believing it’s best to leave to the hard-core yogis?! Well in the simplest...
The little ordinary bits
It’s feeling the sun’s warmth on your face. It’s the first sip of your morning coffee. It’s fresh sheets. New pyjamas. A good book. It’s Spring’s new blooms and Autumn’s...
Sliding Doors - The Power of Gratitude
‘Seriously, surely there must be more people that live here that I know nothing about,’ you say to yourself, as you walk past the huge mountain of washing stacked up on...
The value of little ordinary moments
Have you ever realised the value of an inconsequential moment, long, long after it’s gone? For me, this was poignant after my father passed away suddenly at age 54. I...