Just another ordinary mother

Just another ordinary mother

This is a piece of writing from several years ago when I was in my first year of motherhood. It expresses the phenomenal shift that is motherhood, yet how it's also just so ordinary -...
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The little ordinary bits

The little ordinary bits

It’s feeling the sun’s warmth on your face. It’s the first sip of your morning coffee. It’s fresh sheets. New pyjamas. A good book. It’s Spring’s new blooms and Autumn’s...
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Sliding Doors - The Power of Gratitude

Sliding Doors - The Power of Gratitude

‘Seriously, surely there must be more people that live here that I know nothing about,’ you say to yourself, as you walk past the huge mountain of washing stacked up on...
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Five key reasons why every mother should practice gratitude

Five key reasons why every mother should practice gratitude

Gratitude practice will not miraculously take away the challenging moments of motherhood or the curveballs that life throws . But by practicing gratitude, it helps you to notice the good already in your life, and encourages you to make the most of the joyful moments when they do arise. In essence, it helps to centre the motherhood journey by pulling you back to the good, when things get a little topsy-turvy. Click here to read five key benefits of using gratitude habitually throughout the motherhood journey.
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