Gratitude practice has long been known for its many health benefits – for both physical and mental health. Traditionally, research focused on adults, but more recently, numerous studies have reported this being a powerful tool for children. Benefits include improved resilience, optimism, self-esteem, sleep, and lower levels of stress, aggression, and depression.

The purpose of this journal, however, is not just about learning these helpful habits from a young age. It’s about creating a platform for family connection. It’s about the opportunity to discuss with your children how their day went, what is going on for them, listening to how they are feeling and what they are looking forward to. This time is sacred.  

In a world wired to focus on the hate, the fear-dreaded events, and the things that go wrong - let’s consciously create the time to notice all the good, celebrate the love, and remember all the things to look forward to, that exist too.